Ever felt like you were working hard for something and you weren't seeing any results? Maybe you've been looking for a job and you just can't seem to find one, or maybe even you are at a job, you see no progress and it's driving your crazy. Well if you have ever experienced this or if you are going through this now I am here to tell you not to fret. God gives hope to our troubled hearts. It may not be the perfect timing or God might just have something better in store for you. Sometimes God will put you in a battle empty handed so that when you do get the victory you will know that it wasn't you, but HIM. Where you are right now it is for a reason. Now at the time of the test you may feel like God has forgotten about you but he hasn't.
God put it on my heart to share a testimony where I was experiencing this but the difference between this test and others is that I praised God through my problems. So, I have been spending most of my summer in Virginia and I decided to look for a job. While I was down here I put in many applications and I got calls from various stores. The first was Forever 21. I was so excited when I got the call! If you shop at Forever 21 then you know any girl would love to work there. During the interview I feel like I did fairly well to get the job but I never received a call back. I just told myself that it wasn't God's will. The next two interviews I had was with Charlotte Rouse and American Eagle. They were both group interviews and I felt even better about these interviews than I did about the Forever 21 interview. I still did not get a call from either. Mind you I am a journalism major so I know how to communicate pretty well and I did have a year of experience in customer service. Now I was doing so good by not thinking negative. I was just like "Oh well, I guess God just doesn't want me to have a job this summer." You know when you try to look at the good out of every bad the enemy is going to try to get to you HARD. Suddenly I was having thoughts like "Wow, I wonder why I didn't really get hired for anything. Was I not good enough? Was I not pretty enough?" I knew this was the enemy trying to get to me. I tried to remain positive about the situation but every once in a while the thoughts would pop back up in my head.
If you know WHO you are and WHAT you are capable of no matter how many people tell you NO you should never doubt yourself. You are a child of the most highest. Jesus loves you and he thinks you are to die for. I had to keep telling myself this and my loved ones were always there to encourage me as well. Suddenly, I turned on some praise music and I was praising God through the midst of my problems. You have to keep speaking and believing in your heart that God has everything under control. When we go through tough times and feel like God isn't there for us or nothing isn't going our way it is imperative that we stay prayed up, in our word, and making sure that we are acknowledging God. Now when I was going through this trial I could have thrown a pity-party for myself and walked around letting people feel sorry for me but I didn't. I took all of my problems to God and stayed prayed up. You may be looking for a job and no one will hire you or you may be at a job that you are trying to leave but you can't find another job. Trust God's timing. Sometimes we have Trust Issues! Think about this...Every struggle you ever went through, you might have not understood it but it molded you into a better person right?
Proverbs 3: 5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths
Don't lean to YOUR understanding when things aren't right. The holy spirit is the height of all intelligence! The reason why we don't understand what goes on at times is because GOD's intelligence is too high for us to understand. Stop worrying, God got ya! Ask God to forgive you for doubt you had in him and worrying. Worrying is the opposite of faith. It is a waste of time and it doesn't change anything but steal our joy.
You may be wondering, so did you ever get a job or NAH? lol, well to answer your question..I did! In fact, I didn't just get a regular job, I ended up getting 2 internships where I work from home. God knew that I would be traveling a lot and the jobs I applied for probably weren't that flexible. Instead of settling, God blessed me with a non-paid internship (Bright Girl Media- Digital Marketing Intern) where I will be receiving a lot of experience for my major and a paid internship (Course Hero Inc.- Business Development Intern) where I receive more compensation hourly than I would have if I would of worked as a sales associate. I realized God had something better in store for me! That is why I never ended up getting hired at a retail job. God took me through this to let anyone that if you are looking for a job and you can't find one then don't fret. If you are struggling financially, it will get better. God will make a way out of NO way. All you have to do is trust him. If you are at a job right now and you hate it then embrace it! God doesn't want you to have another job yet because he is trying to humble you and prepare you for a better job but it's not your time yet. You may be going through a season of preparation. To wrap this up I would like to end with one of my favorite scriptures when going through trials.
1 Peter 5:10
But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you. (KJV)
Remember to wear your struggle good and praise God in the hallway until he opens up another door. By praising God I mean to stay prayed up, read your word, and glorify him. Whatever your praise is, praise him through your problems. Glorify him and thank him for everything you are going through because in the end it will pay off. Besides! Our suffering is far less than which Christ suffered and he did not complain. When things are going good it's easy to quote "I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me," but soon as we have a problem we throw a pity- party for ourselves and act like our world is about to end. God loves you like crazy and he will never leave or forsake you. I pray that you endure the season that you are going through and that it makes you better, not bitter.
Peace, grace, and mercy unto you.
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