Monday, September 15, 2014

The Struggle is Real

 I want to ask what do you think of this young lady when you look at her picture? Beauty, Happiness, Poise, Love? Well, looks can be deceiving. This beautiful soul  hung herself on September 5th, 2014. I know of many suicides but this one stuck with me because I kept hearing comments such as "She was too pretty to commit suicide," or "how could someone so talented take their own life?" Well my sister/brother I am here to tell you that the saying "You never know what somebody is going through" is REAL. No matter how talented, funny, outgoing, or beautiful someone may be, it will not exclude them from the thoughts of suicidal. I see so many beautiful girls around campus, and I can tell that they're insecure because they don't know their worth and they've been through so much. An estimated 19 million American adults are living with major depression. Can you imagine that? Out of those 19 million someone close to you can be facing depression. Depression is something serious to deal with. If you have ever dealt with depression you know that it is tough just getting out of the bed in the morning to start your day. If you knew the stories of what people went through that you know I bet you  your mind would be very blown because many people don't look like what they've been through. SO many of us struggle daily and you will never know because we hide it. We walk around like everything is ok but as soon as we hit our bed at night, that is where we break down. Aren't you tired of feeling broken? Aren't you tired of being depressed? Aren't you tired of dreading a day ahead of you? People tell you that you are so beautiful, funny, confident, talented, or smart and you just always say to yourself (If they only knew what the real deal was.) The bad news is that everybody goes through tough times. The good news is that at your darkest, you will find God, and he is a healer!  I'm here to encourage you that there is a way out. I'm here to tell you that there is still hope and you can get your joy and peace back. I'm here to tell you that God is the ONLY one that can break chains. Seek God and he will provide you with comfort. Does this mean that all of your problems will go away in a snap of a finger? No. but what it does mean is that God can grant you the strength to get through situations you can't get through yourself. You cannot rely on YOUR strength all the time because it's a limitation and what happens when we try to take care of everything by ourselves? We end up getting weak, and when we get weak we end up not wanting to be here anymore.

Don't you know those are thoughts from the DEVIL. The devil wants you to feel down, the devil wants you to take your life. The devil wants you to think that you can never be happy again. Can I give you a word of advice? The only reason why I never give up or stop in my walk of faith is because I know the devil is waiting for me to. The devil NEVER takes a break, he's waiting on you to take a break! Stay encouraged, you are closer to your breakthrough than you think.

So, I want to seek God more because I don't want to have this feeling anymore. What should I do?
I encourage you to increase your prayer life, study bible verse that relates to your situation so you can be encouraged, and find a church of power where you can be delivered. Increasing your prayer life is very imperative. By increasing your prayer life, you are able to pour out your heart to God and tell him all of your worries. If you need strength for anything that you are going through ask God for it and you shall receive it. Develop a stronger relationship with God and do things outside of your comfort zone such as fasting or studying the word like you would study for a test. Also, repeat God's word back to him. He said his word would never come back void. Talk to God and tell him that you need him to move in your situation. No matter what type of battle you are dealing with, know that God cares and he'll never forsake you. If you are a college student and you are reading this, it can get really tough in college when we struggle with our grades, and personal lives. It's hard trying to balance but know that prayer changes things.

Philippians 4:6-7
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (NLT)

Worrying solves nothing. I had to work on worrying about things but then I stopped because God ALWAYS proved to me why I should not worry and that he has things under control. Once you submit yourself to God, he will grant you with peace. Having God's peace is a wonderful feeling. Peace is when things are going hectic, but you know that God is looking out for you, and you are still glorifying him.

In concluding, we all face our problems everyday but it is up to us on how we face them. If we have God on our side we approach our problems with a different attitude. Jesus is our savior! He gave up his life for us so why not do the same for him? Not even physically but spiritually!

If you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is your Lord and Savior then you shall be saved! (This comes with transaction as well) Jesus will know :)

I want to acknowledge the beautiful singer Simone Battle, Robin Williams (An inspiring actor), and every other beautiful soul that has committed suicide.

Rest Peacefully. I pray that you will gain your peace back and I pray that you conquer whatever you are dealing with. Grace, Peace, and Mercy unto you.

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