Hello beautiful people! I figured I would share a post about how real and good GOD is! Probably second semester of my freshmen year I was struggling with spiritual warfare. For those who don't know spiritual warfare is resisting, overcoming and defeating the enemy's lies (in the forms of deception, and temptations) he sends our way. As I got more into my word, I realized I was dealing with deception. Deception: to deceive somebody means to make another person believe a lie or something that is not true. When the enemy sends deception your way it is an attempt to deceive you into believing something is not true so you will fall into error. Strongholds are built through deception. A stronghold is formed when deception takes hold in a person's mind. A stronghold is an incorrect thinking pattern that stems from believing something that is not true.
From the very beginning, Satan deceived Eve into believing that God's word was not true. In Genesis 3:4, the devil told her that she will not surely die as God said she would in Genesis 2:17.
Don't think because you are in church all the time, trying to live right and be a light in darkness that the enemy won't mess with you because that is when he is the busiest! He doesn't try to go after people who are deep in sin because he already got them! The devil isn't worried about them at all. He sees the potential you have in God and wants to do everything he can to destroy you and tear you down. Now that I think about it, I believe this is why Christians/ followers of Christ tend to go through so much, but we ALWAYS gain the VICTORY.
I know this is a lot but just bare with me please :) The devil use to get in my mind bad and tell lies. I was starting to think ungodly thoughts daily such as "Is there really a God, what if this isn't true, why does this happen?" Thoughts that should never cross a believers mind! Although I was getting preached the gospel, my mind was there one minute and then I started to question what I was getting preached on. It led to a terrible confusion. The enemy just kept constantly telling me lies in my head.
2 Samuel 22:2
The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer. (NIV)
My deliverance process started when I attended a prayer retreat during Spring Break with a campus ministry I use to attend. Everyone told testimonies and even I decided to tell one! (I RARELY tell testimonies btw.) One member was saying how the enemy was coming at him hard and tried to tell him lies. I don't want to go into depth but it was powerful and I found out that I wasn't the only one struggling with this. From there on I cried out to GOD thanking him for staying with me even though I doubted him at times. I'm not going to say I was 100% free from my mind but I wasn't where I was at before. DELIVERANCE IS A PROCESS! It won't happen over night. You just have to keep on speaking, and believing within your heart that you are FREE.Sometimes it comes with time and sometimes it happens while you are having an intimate moment with God.
Last night I decided to tune into @danachanel live and hear her teach about fearing God. It was a wonderful message but at the end she said something that stuck with me. She said "tell God to remind you what he brought you through so that you will see how you always gain victory." I said this to God and this morning the song by Kierra Sheard- Free kept playing in my head so I decided to play it. I just thought about what I struggled with and how he brought me through! I had tears in my eyes and just started thanking God for never giving up on me. Now, I don't even think about it AT ALL anymore and listening to this song God reminded me of what I dealt with that fast when I prayed to him last night! It's okay to not know some answers all the time. That's why we have FAITH. I had people in my life that encouraged me because their faith was SO strong. Little do they know that they helped me through my journey and I thank God so much for them. God will deliver you from anything!! You may be struggling with something else in your heart but know that God will deliver you from it. Just keep on pushing through. Also, while typing this my dad just gave me some muulaaaa Ayeeee, look at GOD! haha. Won't he do it? Okay, I'm done.
I pray that by GOD planting this is my heart to share, you have gained something from it. I know this was long but I hope it was worth reading. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to visit my blog. Peace be unto you.
Kierra Sheard- Free
Ephesians 3:12
In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.